Monday, 29 October 2018

Puzzle 292: Nanro Signpost


Theme: Wiggle rooms

Nanro Signpost Instructions

The objective is insert numbers, subject to the following rules:
  1. Each area must contain at least one numbered cell.
  2. Numbers in some cells count the total of numbered cells in that area, however that cell may not contain a number upon completion.
  3. Where two numbers connect across a boundary between areas, those numbers must be different.
  4. Numbers must form one connected area with no 2x2 areas of numbered cells.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Puzzle 291: Yajisan-Kazusan


Theme: Pointing In

Yajisan-Kazusan Instructions

Rules: The challenge is to shade some cells, subject to the following rules:
  1. All unshaded cells must eventually connect and shaded cells may not share an edge.
  2. Clues on some cells indicate the number of  shaded cells in the direction of the arrow.
  3. Cells with clues may be shaded, and if they are, then the clue may be true or false.

Monday, 8 October 2018

Puzzle 289: Windows Nurikabe


Theme: Pinwheel

Windows Nurikabe Insructions

Rules: The objective is to divide the grid into shaded and unshaded cells, subject to the following rules:
  1. Each numbered cell is an island cell, the number in it is the number of cells in that island.
  2. Each island contains exactly one numbered cell.
  3. There must be only one stream, which is not allowed to contain "pools", i.e. 2x2 areas of shaded cells.
  4. The pattern of shaded and unshaded cells in the solid box must be the inverse of the pattern of shaded and unshaded cells in the dashed box of the same colour. The orientation of which stays the same.