Monday, 26 November 2018

Puzzle 296: Chocona


Theme: Powers of 2

Chocona Instructions

Rules: The objective is to divide the grid into shaded and unshaded cells, subject to the following rules:
  1. Numbers indicate how many shaded cells are in a region.
  2. Shaded cells must form rectangles, independently to the region borders.
  3. Shaded rectangles must not touch horizontally or vertically.

Monday, 19 November 2018

Puzzle 295: Nurikabe Pentominoes


Theme: Full Set

Nurikabe Pentominoes Instuctions

Rules: The objective is to divide the grid into shaded and unshaded cells, subject to the following rules:
  1. Each lettered cell is an island cell, the letter in it indicates the pentomino it is part of (tetrominoes used in the example below).
  2. Each island contains exactly one lettered cell.
  3. There must be only one stream, which is not allowed to contain "pools", i.e. 2x2 areas of shaded cells.

Monday, 5 November 2018

Puzzle 293: Kurotto


Theme: Counting up

Kurotto Instuctions

Rules: The objective is to divide the grid into shaded and unshaded cells, subject to the following rules:
  1. Numbers represent the sum of groups of shaded cells that are horizontally and vertically connected to that cell.
  2. Cells with circles can not be shaded.